Sat 1st 1000-1100 B Karate with David
1100-1230 M Karate with David
Sunday 2nd 1400-1600 M Brixworth Drama Group
Mon 3rd 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1900-2100 M Nene Valley Community Band
Tues 4th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1800-1900 M Zumba with Francesca
1930-2130 S Brixworth Drama Group
Wed 5th 0800-1300 B Little Acorns
1330-1630 B U3A
1630-1830 M Brixworth Community Larder
1900-2000 S Jason Goss
1900-2000 M Deyvidd Dance
Thurs 6th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1930-2030 M Clubbercise Fitness with Emma
Fri 7th 0815-1515 B Little Acorns
Sat 8th 1000-1100 B Karate with David
1100-1230 M Karate with David
Sun 9th 1400-1600 M Brixworth Drama Group
Mon 10th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1900-2100 M Nene Valley Community Band
Tues 11th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1800-1900 M Zumba with Francesca
1930-2130 S Brixworth Drama Group
Wed 12th 0800-1300 B Little Acorns
1530-1730 M Brixworth Community Larder
1900-2000 S Jason Goss
Thur 13th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1920-2030 M Clubbercise Fitness with Emma
Fri 14th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
Sat 15th 1000-1100 B  Karate with David
1100-1230 M Karate with David
Sun 16th 1400-1600 M Brixworth Drama Group
Mon 17th 1900-2100 M Nene Valley Community Band
Tues 18th 1800-1900 M Zumba with Francesca
1930-2130 S Brixworth Drama Group
Wed 19th 1530-1730 M Brixworth Community Larder
1900-2000 S Jason Goss
Thur 20th 1900-2130 B Brixworth History Society
Sat 22nd 1000-1100 B Karate with David
1100-1230 M Karate with David
Sun 23rd 1600-1800 M Brixworth Drama Group
Mon 24th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1900-2100 M Nene Valley Community Band
Tues 25th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1800-1900 M Zumba with Francesca
1930-2130 M Brixworth Drama Group
Wed 26th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1530-1730 B Brixworth Community Larder
1900-2000 S Jason Goss
Thurs 27th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns
1930-2030 M Clubbercise Fitness with Emma
Fri 28th 0800-1515 B Little Acorns